Clique Girlz revealed Sara Diamond as their new member.
J-14 sat down with Destinee, Paris and newcomer Sara, from The Clique Girlz.
Clique Girlz revealed Sara Diamond as their new member.
The Clique Girlz have formerly announced that Sara Diamond has joined the

thanks to for the picture, Send Destinee & Paris Fan Mail!
clique-girlz-photos. by Sara on November 29,

Meet the New Member of the Clique Girlz - Sarah Diamond
Destinee, Paris and Sara of the Clique Girlz catch up with Lady Gaga at her
Clique Girlz Officially Add Sara Diamond
Clique Girlz - Parents Don't Understand

Ariel Moore Confirming Her Exit From Clique Girlz : Sara's New Twitter Default!» Clique Girlz Media
Sara Diamond Interview and singing Acapella Clique Girlz
In the past episode of Clique Girlz, Destinee, Paris and Sara did a photo
go to the Clique Girlz Fan Page and check out updates on
The rumors are true, Sara Diamond has indeed left the Clique Girlz. Subscribe please! :).
New music outfit that will take over tweens by storm, Clique Girlz,
(Photo C**rt*sy of The Clique Girlz Official Website)
(Sara Evans hot photo,) clique girlz lyrics
After Ariel Moore left the group on early February, Clique Girlz held a national audition to find her replacement. Sara Diamond was chosen among the many
and Sara at the KCA's 2009. Thanks, Larithaa! Clique below to see it!